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General Submission

A Fundamental Doctrine of Universal Humanism

1. Provide 4 necessities for yourself- Eat, Drink, Breath, Sleep
2. One man may not take the life of the other, unless in defense of his own.
3. Provide 4 necessities for the less fortunate other.


Pro Life, Pro War, Pro-Choice, Anti War

Why is it that those who are pro-choice when it comes to pregnancy are anti-war advocates? Why is it that those who are pro-life, are also pro-war advocates? Is this an exhibition of the underlying hypocrisy that not even the power of contradiction has the hope of eradicating? So, perhaps, the most virtuous position is pro-life and anti-war? Is there anybody out there living this life? How about pro-choice, pro-war? Anybody? How about the option unstudied folks would not be able to realize, that this is all just linguistic sophistry, and that nobody is really anything at anytime?


The separation

And men were constituted, and the other animals, as many as have life. And the men have inhabited cities and works constructed as among us, and they have sun and moon and other things as among us; and the earth brings forth for them many things of all sorts, of which they carry the most serviceable into the house and use them. These things then I have said concerning the separation, that not only among us would the separation take place, but elsewhere too.



Translated by Benjamin Jowett

Theodorus. Here we are, Socrates, true to our agreement of yesterday; and we bring with us a stranger from Elea, who is a disciple of Parmenides and Zeno, and a true philosopher.


Attack Your Own Position

I will always promote peace, diplomacy, education and healthcare, as it has been known for thousands of years, this brings harmony to the soul. Walter Kaufmann quotes Nietzsche, "A very popular error: having the courage of one's convictions; rather it is a matter of having the courage for an attack on one's convictions!" I have already pointed out some less than palatable, logical conclusions of the implications of my Universal Humanism. The end goal should always be minimizing human suffering, and maximizing opportunity for the majority.


Quantity, Autonomy, Duty, Humanity

While reading the Oxford Philosophical Dictionary, as if it was easy reading magazine, I came across G.E. Moore's profile, of whose book I recently read, Principia Ethica. The Oxford dictionary made the claim that he did not sufficiently show how he came up with ideas like The Naturalistic Fallacy, and I realized that I actually do know how I came up with my Universal Humanism, so I will try to throw some quick light on that here. As autonomous agents, none of us chose to come into existence in the sense that our physical beings were conceived.


Other things include a portion of everything

Other things include a portion of everything, but mind is infinite and self-powerful and mixed with nothing, but it exists alone itself by itself. For if it were not by itself, but were mixed with anything else, it would include parts of all things, if it were mixed with anything; for a portion of everything exists in everything, as has been said by me before, and things mingled with it would prevent it from having power over anything in the same way that it does now that it is alone by itself.



Translated by Benjamin Jowett

We had come from our home at Clazomenae to Athens, and met Adeimantus and Glaucon in the Agora. Welcome, Cephalus, said Adeimantus, taking me by the hand; is there anything which we can do for you in Athens?

Yes; that is why I am here; I wish to ask a favour of you.
What may that be? he said.
I want you to tell me the name of your half brother, which I have forgotten; he was a mere child when I last came hither from Clazomenae, but that was a long time ago; his father's name, if I remember rightly, was Pyrilampes?


Badgers at War, and Men In Harmony

At some basic level, man is no different than a badger. Force and dominance is key to forwarding your prime directive, which is to mate and spread your seed or to find a dominant male if you are a female. Badgers do not care to gain the consent of the female. In this case, we see the state of war in nature, in its most basic form, rape, as the natural order of events. You can be sure that badgers will kill each other over necessary resources, when they are limited, but when resources are plentiful, I expect that the fighting does not stop.


Realism, Pessimism, Optimism

When we try to be, we never will be until we stop trying. When we try to be positive, we never really are positive until we stop trying. It seems very fashionable to be positive, and to look at the bright side of every scenario. A person who seems "happy" to others, whether they truly are or not is often called "well adjusted", or a "good person", while a person who seems disappointed, or pessimistic is "negative".



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