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General Submission

Being Mean to the Right People

For so long we have been taught that wise men exhibit kindness, temperance, and good nature. A good number of people have been taught that pride is bad, and to be humble is good. We have been made to think that a well adjusted person, is a happy person. Happiness is a state of pleasure, so one pursues happiness without question. I am not naive, I understand that in Islam, these kind of pleasure seeking principles are secondary. Law is what matters most in Islam. Allah cannot be governed by mere justice, Allah is the Law. Many people believe control is more important.


Selfishness, Justice, and Natural Truth

It seems to me that mankind is in a battle of power to dictate self serving laws, to understand an innate moral justice in its social mathematics, and while doing so mankind is trying to reconcile nature, free-will, and determinism. Is it possible authoritarianism can actually support a rational, reasonable, universal egalitarian system? And, finally, when we conceive of justice, are our ideas polluted by authoritarianism,or relatively tainted by the paradigm that inundates all our senses at the time in which we live? In this short essay, I will explore this pre-defined space.


Categories, Section 1, Part 2

Forms of speech are either simple or composite. Examples of the latter
are such expressions as 'the man runs', 'the man wins'; of the former
'man', 'ox', 'runs', 'wins'.

Of things themselves some are predicable of a subject, and are never
present in a subject. Thus 'man' is predicable of the individual man,
and is never present in a subject.

By being 'present in a subject' I do not mean present as parts are
present in a whole, but being incapable of existence apart from the
said subject.


Historia Calamitatum, Chapter 1



Change or Kill

When your life exhibits truth, is it by coincidence or is it by intentional articulation? If you are not a truth seeker, then, more than likely you are opportunistic and when you do exhibit the truth, it is indirectly. Those who are opportunists do not realize they made a choice to put self-interest before truth, but those who chose to seek the truth are very aware that they are truth seekers.


The Culture of Frivolity

For thousands of years people in and out of religious groups have understood idea that it is not right to kill somebody for no reason. Even those who have no value for a human life think that valuelessness is of some value. There is always a desire to prevent death. If a bandit could just walk up and take whatever material wealth they wanted with no conflict, they would. Much like a skydiver who desires the rush of jumping out of a plane for the adrenaline rush, but does not also wish for the chute not to open.


Categories, Section 1, Part 3

When one thing is predicated of another, all that which is predicable
of the predicate will be predicable also of the subject. Thus, 'man'
is predicated of the individual man; but 'animal' is predicated of
'man'; it will, therefore, be predicable of the individual man also:
for the individual man is both 'man' and 'animal'.


Historia Calamitatum, Chapter 3



Conscious, Unconscious, Panic Attacks, and God

People can argue with me until they are blue in the face, stomp their feet and shout all they want, but I know, and they know, that they cannot KNOW God. They cannot test GOD, prove GOD, and show GOD in the essences form. It is as if a thick curtain has been dropped blocking our view of the kernel of truth. It is still there, behind the curtain causing us, and we bend from its effect, but we are alienated by it because of this predetermined curtain. It is as if we are all in a movie theater, waiting for the show to start.


The Final Synthesis of Humanity and Time

The worldwide occupy protests are exhibiting a fundamental move from a linear perception of time, to a ubiquitous simultaneous model. What are steps that need to be taken? Representative democracy needs to be thrown out, and built up from the ground up again. People need to formulate their vision of the world at the level of the entire planet, and finally when doing this fundamental rebuild from the standpoint of conscious understanding, the people need to understand the fundamental universal human necessity and push it forward beyond our individual desires.



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